Solar Panel Cleaning
Clean solar panels operate more efficiently and the more electricity they generate the more money you save. Because solar panels are exposed to the elements, dust, leaves, pollen, and bird droppings will build up on the panels overtime. This reduces their efficiency and ultimately means less money for you. In most cases cleaning your solar panels twice a year will be sufficient, however, if you live in a particularly dusty area or have trees that constantly drop leaves and pollen, you may need to clean them more frequently. Please contact us for a free quote. |
We cover these areas:
Ascot, Bagshot, Binfield, Blackwater, Bracknell, Camberley, Crowthorne, Chobham, Farnborough, Finchampstead, Fleet, Frimley, Lightwater, Maidenhead, Sandhurst, Sunningdale, Sunninghill, Twyford, Virginia Water, Windlesham, Windsor, Wokingham, Yateley and everywere in between.
Contact us
G&M Services, 49 Kimberley, RG12 7ZB Bracknell
Phone: 01344 443 719, Mobile: 07591 931 911, e.mail: [email protected]
Phone: 01344 443 719, Mobile: 07591 931 911, e.mail: [email protected]